
Do you know your heart age?

New online test from Public Health England

Do you know your heart age? Public Health England (PHE) have today launched a Heart Age Test which encourages adults aged 30 and over to take a free online test which determines if your heart is at a higher age than your chronological age. A pharmacy toolkit is available to order from PHE to support the campaign.

The Heart Age Test asks for physical and lifestyle information as well as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Having a heart age older than your chronological age means that you are at a higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke. It is estimated that over 50 deaths a day from these conditions could be prevented if people had a better understanding of their heart health. The heart age test is part of the One You campaign, the programme which supports adults in making simple changes that can have a huge influence on their health.

Chair of RPS England Sandra Gidley said: “Making positive lifestyle choices can reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke, whether this is through stopping smoking, making healthier food choices or increasing levels of physical activity. Community pharmacy teams offer people health and wellbeing information and blood pressure testing on a daily basis and play an important role in helping people reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease.”

The toolkit of resources for pharmacies contains a briefing sheet along with posters, leaflets and cards.  You can order via the PHE website or by calling the Pharmacy Order Line on 0300 123 1019.

RPS also has a medicines optimisation briefing for pharmacists on medicines for cardiovascular disease.

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