
RPS England calls for equity with GPs on mental health support

Workforce stress must be tackled

Delivering on the commitment made at the last meeting of the board of RPS England, Board Chair Sandra Gidley and Vice-Chair Sibby Buckle have formally written to Steve Brine, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health and Primary Care, about the problem of stress within the pharmacy workforce.

Writing of their ‘concerns about workforce pressure and the impact this could have on patient care’, they call for equity with GPs over the provision of funding to the profession of confidential stress-relief and mental health support, stating:

‘As the NHS demands even greater input from pharmacists it also has responsibility for ensuring their health and wellbeing is protected and supported.  The NHS GP Health Service, which offers confidential support for doctors with issues relating to a mental health concern, should be replicated for pharmacists and other primary care providers and we would be eager to work with NHS England to make this happen.’

Read the full letter to Steve Brine.

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